Modern Slavery Statement

At AutoTimesNews, we are committed to ethical and responsible business practices. We are dedicated to ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, or forced labor.

  1. Our Values: We adhere to a strict code of ethics that prohibits any involvement in modern slavery, and we expect the same from our partners and suppliers.
  2. Affiliate Due Diligence: We conduct due diligence on our affiliates to assess and address the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. We require all our suppliers to adhere to the same standards we uphold.
  3. Training and Awareness: Our employees and key partners are educated about the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking, enabling them to identify and address such issues when they arise.
  4. Reporting and Monitoring: We encourage the reporting of any concerns regarding modern slavery within our operations or our affiliates. We also regularly monitor and evaluate our efforts to prevent modern slavery.

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